Ultimate Youism #6 The Heavier You Lift The Leaner You’ll Get

And What To Do About The Puffy…. 

Many women refuse to lift heavy weights, or lift weights at all, for fear they will get bulky. If you have this fear, please lay it to rest right now. 

Unless they use steroids, women just don’t put on muscle the way a man does when they lift heavy. It’s physically impossible – women simply do not have enough testosterone. But you need to lift heavier rather than lighter to stimulate testosterone and other lean hormones such as glucagon and growth hormone. And you need some muscle mass in order to burn fat. Light weights won’t cut it here ladies!

That said, it’s easier for most women to put on muscle than it is to burn fat. So when you start to lift weights, you may build up a bit of muscle under your layer of body fat – so you feel bulkier. But if you eat clean and do your EST, you will lose that puffy look and gain muscle that looks lean and sexy, not bulky. 

Another thing-when you first start to lift weights, your muscles will need to store more sugar as glycogen, so you may notice you feel slightly bigger on the days you lift weights vs. the days you do EST or recovery sessions.  This is simply water retention and not a body getting fatter. Your body gets more and more used to the demands of strength training and the amount of water you retain, or at least how it looks on you, will decrease within a few weeks of strength training.  

The Long, Lean Muscle Myth 

Truthfully, a “long, lean muscle” is simply a muscle that doesn’t have fat over it. Genetically we’re predisposed to having longer or shorter tendons and muscle bellies, but the “look” of a lean muscle is totally up to you – and those lean muscles are made as much (or perhaps more) in the kitchen as they are in the gym.

Following the nutrition program is key to getting the fat off those sexy, strong muscles.  If you are feeling like you’re doing great on the program but still feeling like you’ve got a puffy look, here’s a few things to consider:

* Are you drinking enough water? Sounds backwards, but if you’re not consistent with your water intake, you’ll retain more water on the days you consume more. Basically, keep water intake consistent so your body knows it doesn’t need to hold on to every drop.

* Are you eating too much salt? Everyone’s salt sensitivity is different – some of us need more and some need less. Pay attention to how much you’re using as you prepare foods and experiment with more spices, less salt and see if you drop some water weight. 

* Are you having too many sugar alcohols? I’m a proponent of more natural, low calorie and low insulin sweeteners like sugar alcohols (erythritol, xylitol, etc) and stevia – but sugar alcohols can cause water retention in some people.  Take a look at your consumption and if it’s several times a day plus choming endlessly on sugarless gum – if it is, perhaps cut back and see how you do.

* How many carbs you’ve eaten will also determine how much sugar you can store no your muscles, and like I said, water follows sugar into those muscles.  If you are more insulin resistant you’ll notice more puffiness when you eat carbs, so if you have been skewing towards 6 bites vs. 4, consider cutting back. Or consider having carbs in your post workout meal only – this can be a tough switch so give yourself a week and see how you adjust.

* Finally, if you’re really feeling like you’ve got The Puffy, consider eliminating gluten and dairy.  Both are inflammatory in a lot of people – and neither is a great weight loss food. Remember, you can be senstive or even allergic to a food and not have any digestive symptoms.

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Protein Is No Place To Skimp On Quality

Ultimate Youism #5: Consider high quality, lean animal proteins like “premium unleaded fuel” for your high performance vehicle.

We all know food quantity counts, but what about food quality? While Ultimate You advocates animal protein sources, they are not all created equal.  High quality lean protein is one place where you get what you pay for. 

Protein is an ally in your weight-loss battle for a couple of reasons.  First, protein causes the secretion of glucagon, which tells your body to stop storing fat and to burn it. Second, because protein creates a higher ratio of glucagon to insulin, your blood sugar stays more stable, which helps you stave off crashes and cravings. 

Although most high-protein diets are not picky about the types of protein they allow, this program encourages you to be selective. 

For example, compared to grass-fed beef or bison, or fish, conventionally raised red meat contains significantly more saturated fat and fewer super fats like CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and omega-3 fatty acids (more to come on essential fatty acids and omega-3s). The optimal proteins on the Ultimate You plan include organically raised, hormone- and antibiotic-free, lean animal proteins such as chicken, turkey, game meat, grass-fed beef and bison, and wild-caught fish.

Don’t Cheap Out on Protein

You get what you pay for: Conventionally raised meats are often loaded with inflammatory chemicals and exogenous hormones like estrogen, which can thwart weight loss. So spend a little extra on quality meat, poultry, and fish, and your health and weight will benefit.

When you shop for protein, keep these tips in mind.

•   Choose beef, poultry, and fish labeled “free range,” “cage free,” “grass fed,” and “no hormones or antibiotics added.”

•    If you choose beef that is not grass fed, opt for the leanest cut possible.

•   Choose fish with the lowest levels of contaminants. These include wild Alaskan salmon (fresh, frozen, or canned), Atlantic mackerel and herring, sardines, sablefish, anchovies, and farmed oysters.

•    Avoid fish with the highest levels of mercury, including canned albacore, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, tuna steaks, and whale

It does all add up when you get to the checkout counter, so if you need to cut back to keep the grocery bill under control do so with other items – but not protein.  Items that are animal based (i.e. meat, dairy), contain a lot of fat (nuts, nut butter, olive oil, etc) and that you can’t wash well (i.e. mixed salad greens) are ones that you should opt for organic and higher quality.  Skimp on hearty greens, like kale; fruit or veggies that you don’t eat the skin of; or even apples, that although you eat the skin on, that you can wash really well.

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Lose 2-3 More Pounds This Month: Eat at least 5-6 servings of vegetables per day.

Ultimate Youism #4: Eat at least 5-6 servings of vegetables per day (1 cup = 1 serving)

Fiber-rich foods are the unsung champs of weight loss. Research backs this up: A University of Minnesota study found that people who ate the most vegetables, fruits, and other fiber-rich foods lost 2 to 3 pounds more per month than those on lower-fiber diets. Another study found that women who ate 13 grams of fiber or less per day were five times as likely to be overweight as those who ate more.

Fiber slows down eating because it requires more chewing. And it boosts satiety. By slowing the emptying of your stomach, CCK (a hunger hormone) is released, which helps you feel fuller, longer. A slower rise in blood sugar from fiber also keeps insulin from spiking, meaning you store less fat.

If you find you’re getting hungry between meals, the first thing to do is add more fiber (the second is drink more water).   

Fiber comes in two types: soluble or insoluble. You need both kinds for optimal digestive health, correct metabolic hormone balance, appetite control, and to lose fat.

Soluble fiber interacts with water like a sponge: It soaks it up. This makes your stomach empty more slowly. At the same time, fiber causes a slower rise in blood sugar, which prevents a spike in insulin. Now because you’re satisfied and your blood sugar is on an even keel, you’re better able to manage hunger and cravings.

Found in the cell walls of plants such as vegetables, insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It functions like a scouring pad in your digestive tract, adding bulk to bowel movements. It also feeds friendly, healthy intestinal bacteria.       

Most nutrition experts advise eating more whole grains as a way to increase the fiber in your diet. But as you now know, Ultimate You’s carbohydrate list contains no highly processed grain products, and the optimal list contains no grains at all. That’s because grain-based fiber sources carry a big carb load and generate a significant insulin response—not what you want when you are trying to lose fat.

Getting 5-6 servings of veggies is really tough if you skip them at breakfast. Here’s a recap of some of the Ultimate You Breakfast options –

 *A veggie omelet or scramble is the easiest, most obvious choice but it’s not the only option. See the recipe appendix for several veggie combinations – and of course, create your own!

*Stuffing scrambled eggs into a cleaned out bell pepper for the UY Bell Pepper Boat is another quickie. 

*Arugula salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice topped with 2-3 eggs over easy is light and delicious.

*Smoked Salmon with sliced cucumbers is great if you need a break from eggs.

 If you find greens work well for breakfast but leave you less that anxious for more greens at lunch, see this recent blog post http://bit.ly/acLakA  for some great salads using other types of veggies.

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Lose Fat While You Rest

Even the king of the jungle needs to rest his muscles…

…if want a stronger, leaner body, give your muscles the chance to recover.
By now you’re likely seeing some real benefits from following the Ultimate You plan. You might be wondering, if these shorter more intense workouts can be this effective, should I do a few extra? Continue reading

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Ultimate Youism #2 To Keep It Real – Keep A Food Journal

If we were to ask if you’d rather lose one pound this week or two? Lose a half an inch around your waist this month or a whole one? Drop 2% body fat or 4%? We can predict your answers – who doesn’t want to lose more? One of the best ways to lose more is to keep a food journal, but don’t take our word for it:

A study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine showed that keeping a food journal can double a person’s weight loss. DOUBLE! These findings were part of a study from Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research which was one of the largest and longest running weight loss maintenance trials ever conducted.

Using a food journal to track meals is not a new idea, however the Ultimate You Diet Diary takes it to a new level. Our diet diary is more complete in that you’ll track the time you eat as well as what you eat. This helps you see how long you actually go between meals when you get busy – making you ravenous at your next meal or craving more carbs. It also helps you see if you got hungry too quickly after a meal, you can go back and see what might have gone wrong in the previous meal leading you to be more hungry (hint: it’s usually from skimping on protein or fiber).  What’s more it can help you discern what foods might not agree with you by using the “how you felt” column.  Are you an emotional eater? Or do you grab things and without thinking they end up in your mouth? The “why you chose this” column helps you unravel those behaviors.

Keeping a journal keeps you on track.  To be on track with the plan you should be choosing optimal or allowed foods 90% of the time. Use the easy Day Rank System to see where you are at each day – if there are more than 2 days that are less than 8 of 10, tighten up to keep losing.

It’s an amazing tool and you can download it FREE http://tinyurl.com/2gy5kuo  There are several other great success tools as well including menus, the Ultimate You 4 Phase training log and more!

If you find packing around a piece of paper too cumbersome, use a small notebook or even your PDA…but do write it down! While the Ultimate You Diet Diary gives you more feedback than other methods, but the point is that writing down what you eat keeps you more mindful of what makes its way into your mouth. And that means you’ll be leaner – quicker.   Make using a food journal a habit this week – You are one step closer to your Ultimate You!!

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Ultimate Youism #1

Welcome to a Year of Ultimate You!  With the Fourth of July having just passed, you may be wishing you were free from some not so healthy habits or wanting independance from a body you’re less than satisfied with….well now is the time to make it happen and we’re here to help.

Getting it all dialed in – the workouts, the nutrition, the recovery, the meal timing and maybe even a few supplements – can feel more than a little overwhelming. But if you can take one habit every week and commit to it, before you know it your life will have had a complete makeover!  

The Ultimate Youisms are our favorite tips from Ultimate You and one more tool for you to get the best, healthiest body you could imagine! Look for them each Sunday in your inbox.

Ultimate Youism #1

You’ve got the rest of your life to live – you might as well live it as your Ultimate You.  

If you’re like most women, Ultimate You is not your first attempt at losing weight, dieting or leaning up – but it can be the last. The plan is comprehensive and effective – and best of all, it’s livable for the rest of your life. 

To make this plan the last one you’ll ever need, you’ll need to get started on the right foot.  Even if you’ve read Chapter 7: Preparing for the Ultimate You — read it again! Preparing for your new healthy lifestyle is the biggest thing you can do right now to guarantee success.

Make a list of the 5 biggest hurdles to living life as your Ultimate You and solve them this week. Whether its a perceived lack of time (note the word “perceived” – we always find the time to do the things we want), cravings, resorting to eating out too often, letting one slip up throw you completely off course, or whatever else you feel is in your way – find a solution. What if that solution doesn’t work? Try another! But try something! Ask for support from family, friends or colleagues if you need it.

Finally, be sure you’ve taken care of the basics in Chapter 7 such as making over your kitchen, learning to navigate the grocery store, taking measurements and of course having a very clear vision in your mind of exactly what your Ultimate You looks like (see the exercise on pg. 9).

Now get started! Your Ultimate You is waiting.

For support, free tips, giveaways and more find us on Facebook and Twitter. See you next week! 

Dr Brooke & Joe

**Save 10%  Support your Ultimate You – Save 10% on all supplements at  www.bodybyhardware.com.  Enter code UYISM1JLY10 at checkout. Offer expires August 1, 2010.

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Win a *FREE* Nutrition Consultation with Dr. Brooke Kalanick ND

In the Ultimate You book, Dr. Brooke Kalanick, N.D., MS, Lac provides cutting-edge training and eating strategies that are designed to set up the optimal fat-burning environment in your body.

Now’s your chance to get a *FREE* nutrition consultation with Dr. Brooke to learn how you can personalize her hormone-focused approach to weight loss and life-long metabolism mastery.

Here’s How to Win:
MANDATORY: Follow Ultimate You on Facebook. If you are chosen as the winner and you are not a fan another winner will be chosen.

1. Sign up for a Year of Ultimate You: http://bit.ly/cKJoQx
2. Follow @ultimateyou_ on twitter
3. Send a DM to @UltimateYou_ alerting us that you have entered the contest (so we can follow you back!)
4. Tweet the following- “I just entered the @ultimateyou_ giveaway for a free nutrition consultation with @DrBrookND http://bit.ly/bt5wAT

Contest ends at 12PM ET on Friday, July 9th. Winner will be chosen at random via random.org


  • one winner, chosen at random, will receive a one-hour nutrition consultation with Dr. Brooke Kalanick
  • the winner will receive an email notification by 5PM ET on Friday, July 9th. Consultation will be scheduled at the earliest convenient time for both Dr. Brooke & winner
  • pending location of winner, consultation will take place either in-person or over the phone


Filed under diet, Dr. Brooke Kalanick, giveaway, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Ultimate You the Book

Coffee & Fat Loss: Yes or No?

Keep your morning cup of coffee—it’s loaded with antioxidants and you’ll lose more weight when hopped up on caffeine….No, wait—all that caffeine might cause diabetes and is bad for weight loss. So what should you do? Here’s what you really need to know… Continue reading

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Filed under coffee, diet, Dr. Brooke Kalanick, Exercise, Nutrition, Ultimate You the Book


In this giveaway, one lucky lady will not only receive a signed copy of Ultimate You, but they’ll also get extras that will help keep that ultimate body forever!

Giveaway items include: two laminated cards — a Year of “Ultimate You” tips and “Creating the Ultimate You” — this package has everything you need for a fit-for-summer body. You’ll also get a stainless steel Hardware water bottle to be lean and green while getting in shape. (Hardware is the collaboration between Joe and Dr Brooke: Hardware – Tools For the Ultimate You).

Here’s How to Win: Continue reading

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The Vitamin that Helps You Shred Carbs

Vitamin D is crucial in bone and cartilage strength, nervous system health, and immune function. It’s also important for weight loss: Because vitamin D improves insulin sensitivity, it helps improve tolerance to carbohydrates.

And yet an estimated 60 percent of Americans are deficient in D, according to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Reasons for this national deficit are low-fat diets, poor digestion, and possibly the overuse of sunscreen.

Apparently, we’ve heeded the “use sunscreen” message so well that we’re missing out on beneficial vitamin D. Aged skin, darker pigmented skin, and living in northern latitudes all increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency.

You get vitamin D from three sources: sunlight, food, and supplements. Here’s how to get more D. Continue reading

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